Well one exam and one essay down, another exam and three more essays to go. It is really draining to be doing so much writing and exams at the end of the year, though I guess that makes the summer all the more worthwhile. It has been a pretty good year though despite its lack of any real sort of revolution in my day to day life. I haven't exactly made leaps in establishing myself in a social setting sort of sense. I guess the old saying really is true, that the more things change the more they stay the same. Its changed in a sense that I am in a new place, with new people but I still live life the same way. I still waste my free time on things that aren't really important. Then after all that I still try to put on a show for people in my own way. Never really letting people know whats really up, though at the same time I am not really sure. I mean am I happy? or am I just in some rut? I mean what do I want? what am I looking for? Going back to how I am seem to put on a show I don't think I am the only one that does that. I think alot of us out there put on a show for people, or to recall something from my media, technology & internet class that we're all social actors. Looking back at the year I really enjoyed it academically speaking there was one course I knew all about, one I didn't know, and one that frankly bored me, though for the most part I learned something from each and every course I took which is a good thing cause then my parents money won't be going to waste :P though enough of my ramblings for now, as there is still lots of work to do in what seems like too short a period of time. So I leave you with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from a letter he wrote from Birmingham City Jail: "an unjust law is no law at all", and a question from that quote: what do you consider justice? feel free to reply to my question in the comments link just below if you want. So have a good evening ladies and gentlemen we hope you had fun and enjoyed the show.
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