sam I am... the legend that is I

This is the blog of an Undergrad at York U, and for now I am majoring in Information Technology, I am just the typical out of High School teenager still trying to figuire out life

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

its all ending

when I say its all ending I mean all the work that is the 1st semester is nearing a close. So what is there to report? Nothing much really, a few essays, some tests, and some surprising marks in between. Now I enter the pre-exam study period oh boy an entire week to study for two subjects. What awaits me on the other side that is second semster you ask? Well pretty much the same subject matter but with new and interesting challenges. In other news.... ..the bazar jetlaggish sleep habits continue to my continued frustration. Women...? what women? Ah well, you can't win em all I guess all you can do is hang in there and keep on smiling. I am your host for this late evening, Thank you for watching and have a good night everybody.


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