sam I am... the legend that is I

This is the blog of an Undergrad at York U, and for now I am majoring in Information Technology, I am just the typical out of High School teenager still trying to figuire out life

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election 2004

So the elections in the states have come and gone and president-re-elect bush has been declared the winner, and Ohio has replaced Florida's perch as the undecided state of the year. But I still feel like things might turn around just yet. Call me crazy the poling stations have long been closed by now but there are stil absentee, and provisional ballots still to be counted. You can also call me naiive in believing in this theory as well because according the previously discredited popular vote Bush is clearly the winner of that. But let me counter that with two things Washington Redskins lost the last home game before the election, and the Red Socks won their first world series in nearly 9 decades.


  • At 12/24/2005 1:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day


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