so what is the current state of things you ask? well its quite hectic actually. Went through the whole graduation a.k.a commencement thing and I found out one thing about myself.... I hated high school and I am glad that its over, so I have closure on that. I just found a great deal of obnoxiousness there. I am still confused by the opposite sex, thanks to a Greg whom I was talking to the cafeteria 2 weeks ago, (yes this does overlap the last entry I noticed, but I didn't get a chance to mention it). well anyways while I was talking to my friend/accquantance Jen who I met during frosh week, but thanks to our conflicting shedules and other odd set of circumstances I have yet to find a proper forum of conversation between the two of us, I only had about 5-10 minutes of conversation during lunch during this instance. Well anyways afterwards when she had to head for a class, Greg proposes the notion of asking her out perhaps, and from this point, just the idea of "opening the lines of communication" so to speak has been on my mind. My only source of frustration is that I haven't found a proper way of making that happen since, which is driving me crazy as exam time looms nearby and my much needed concentration is being eaten away at thoughts like this. I saw her yesterday but unfortunatley in my haste I was unable to talk very long thanks to my unbearable urge to always arrive to class in a punctual manner. well Tommorow's another day so hopefully i'll be able to make my next entry in a more cheerfull light.
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